Invitation for all FHWS Students from Schweinfurt and Würzburg.
Want to actively work on this problem and become a founder and entrepreneur?
Then join our Disrupt2Win workshop.
Sneak preview on topic: ...every year, more than 160 million new laptops are manufactured and every day 160,000 "old" laptops are disposed in the EU alone. These results contribute to excessive resource consumption, climate change, conflict mining, human rights issues, pollution, privacy issues, and e-waste.
When: May 13-15, 2022
Where: New startup center WERK:RAUM (Landwehrstraße 46 in Schweinfurt).
Seats: Limited to 20 participants

What awaits the winners and prospective founders:
Real gold as a prize
12-week enabling phase leading up to the start-up pitch
Support from professional coaches and successful entrepreneurs
This is what's IN for you if the enabling phase is successful:
You are the founder and one of the CEOs of a new company
You own shares in your own hands
A team of investors will finance you for a full 2 years
You gain access to customers and markets
Expertise, network and support from strong entrepreneurs
97.CLUB entrepreneurs and investors are looking for you and your power:
Our goal is to empower students to change the world with their own businesses To do this, they take an active role in developing, marketing, and scaling their startup companies. With combined expertise in various disciplines and hundreds of years of experience of successful companies and entrepreneurs, it is possible to massively accelerate the learning process of the founders and the development of the startups in the first months or years.
Take your seat! - and this is how you can be part of it:
Short application via mail with name and matriculation number.
A few sentences about your motivation
What skills you already have